Needs Vs. Wants

I’m (once again) learning the difference between needs and wants. Like I want to go take Pilates classes every night, and drink a latte from Maxximo Joe’s every morning, and quit my job so I can lay around and read and write and take naps all day, but that’s just not realistic on our budget right now. So, while I want to go get my manicure refreshed by the amazing technician that I saw last week, I will spend this evening with my cotton balls, nail polish remover and nail polish, doing it myself. And that’s okay, because my husband is gracious and lets me get my shopping bug filled with our needs– mainly diapers and formula these days, but shopping is shopping. And, I know that in a few years, I will be able to get my wants more often because we will have saved the money we need to make our family feel secure.

But…I will admit that I still want to go to the mall and buy a pair of knee high brown boots. I never claimed to be perfect.

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