Why I’m not attempting NaNoWriMo this year…but you should

Last year I signed up for NaNoWriMo in the hopes of starting and finishing my first novel. I started it, but I did not finish it for 9 months. I now have a VERY rough draft of said novel, but haven’t done much with it since. I do intend to finish it some time, but that’s not on the calendar yet.

I decided not to sign up this year, because I have a bit too much going on to commit to one more thing. I’m settling for smaller goals- like working out a few times a week, getting to work every day, and following my low-iodine diet so my taste buds are not zapped into oblivion with my cancer. Instead of participating in NaNo, I will commit to writing every day. Not any certain number of words or for any grandiose goal, but just so that I’m continuing to write, even on the days when all I want to do is sleep.

However, that said, I think you should seriously consider signing up for it. It’s a huge goal, but a totally attainable one. One that I know I could meet now that I know just how quick you can get the approximately 1667 words per day on the page. I’ll be your cheerleader, if you tell me about it. Good luck!

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