This picture has nothing to do with anything. But it’s funny. And I can’t legally put the picture of Brad Pitt here.
So somehow I got on this schedule where I’m blogging here and on Stealing the Ruby Slippers on the same day. Which, to be quite honest, is cutting into my writing/editing/painting/jewelry making time. So I’m switching it up a bit, I’ll be here on Tuesdays and there on Thursdays. (And here whenever I have something burning to type about.) I hope you don’t mind. To make up for the non-post this week, I’m linking to my Pinterest board where I’m tracking my research for the Ruby Slippers sequel. Today I had to write about a man with a six pack. So I googled “Man with Six Pack.” And I pinned my favorite…Brad Pitt…just in case I needed it for later. Enjoy.
I did a whole post about research here, if you want more information. Regardless, based on what’s the Pinterest Board, I’d love to hear what you think is coming in the next book.