First of all, this has nothing to do with anything, but have you heard of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis? I love it. Seriously. Check it out.
Source: via Amanda on Pinterest
The point of this post, though, is Pinterest. And how amazing it is. Know before you go: give yourself a time limit. Or you will lose days. No, not hours, days. People will wonder where you went. You fell down the Pinterest hole.
I’ve been using Pinterest as my recipe box for the last few months and it’s working great. I pin all of the recipes that interest me from one of the many magazines I receive, then I go through that list and make my list of what I want to cook for the current week. You can see that board here. I’m a very visual person when deciding what too cook (or eat) so this has worked really well for me. This week, I even pinned what I want to make for lunches!
I go through Pinterest binges, wherein I spend way too much time looking for and pinning images. It’s my happy place. I really want to live there, in truth. I’m going to try your recipe trick which will give me a legitimate excuse to spend more time there.