
“Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.”

This verse came to me tonight while I was thinking about how frustrated this stage of my life can be. I feel like I’m waiting for my real life to start- waiting until I can do what I love, waiting until we are financially stable, waitin until I’m healthy, skinny, whatever. Just waiting. The worst part about it is, I don’t even really know what I’m waiting for. I don’t know what it is my life is supposed to look like. So how will I even know if I get there?

I read a statistic today that terrifies me- there are over a million books published each year! What makes me think I can make a meaningful contribution to that sea? I have a better chance of getting cancer than being a successful author.

Oh wait- I already have cancer- so does that mean I have a better than average shot?

I have been letting myself shut down this past week, and it’s not good. I haven’t painted, I’ve barely read and barely written. I’ve watched TV. And now I feel sorry for myself.

So, I will go to bed and wake up tomorrow ready for God to move, or at least sit with me while I wait.

2 thoughts on “Waiting

  1. Keith Stanley

    I feel you. Waiting really sucks especially when you feel like you’re hopeless but I also believe that when the thing you’ve been waiting comes, the feeling is very rewarding.

    Keith Stanley

  2. Jade

    You know waiting is one of the basics in this life we need to learn of. I was once in that position where I really don’t know what awaits me and this was the only way I could look forward for everyday.

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