Monthly Archives: January 2010

Update on January Goals

Here’s how I ended up:

Complete one entire writing project.  Finished it today.  Not ready to share though.

Participate in a writing workshop either online or in person.
     Revised: Instead of doing the workshop, I found several that I will be participating in this year.  

Enter at least one writing contest.

Have an artist date per month. Actually got away to write more than once!  Thanks Chris!

Write every day. May not have been a lot, but it was done!

Write 10 query letters. Wrote 10 agent queries today that I will be sending out early this week (to avoid weekend inbox build-up.

Print 12 photographs and display in house. I printed them, but have yet to display them.

Complete The Pilates Lifestyle book proposal. WooHoo!!!! Starting to query agents this week!

Will work on February goals sometime this week, have a big deadline at work tomorrow so I doubt I will get them up right away.  Going to go a little easier on myself, this was a bit much.

It’s Snowing!

It’s snowing!!!!!

Sorry about my absence this week, but I have been diligently working on my goals and am happy to report that I can cross another off my list- I have finished my book proposal! My mom, aunt and husband now all have copies to comment on and mark up. My 10 query letters will be written this weekend and sent to possible agents. I’m so excited!

There are quite a few of the goals that I may not meet this month, considering there are only 2 days left, but we’ll see. I may need to be a bit less ambitious in the next few months as work picks up.

Off to enjoy the snow!

I’m Not Happy

I debated just posting this on my personal, private, diary like blog, and I may change my mind before I hit the “Publish Post” button, but right now I feel like having support from others wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

I’m not going to go into it all, but let’s just say that the past six months have not been easy for me or my family. And I don’t get enough sleep, or anything that resembles enough sleep. Those things put together are overwhelming me to the point where I took yesterday off of work because I couldn’t take it anymore.

I don’t feel like I’m spending too much time obsessing over things in the past that I can’t change, but I also don’t feel like the terrible-ness is not over yet. And I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. All the time. It’s a crappy way to live.

If you could keep me and my family in your prayers, we would appreciate it. Feel free to share any resources you have that you think might help!

I could fall off my chair

I’m so tired today I could fall off my chair. Literally, just fall over and fall asleep.

Austin has not slept at all the last two nights. He’s been stuffy, irratable, won’t eat…yep, he’s TEETHING! Two new teeth in the last three days, one on top, one on the bottom. Hopefully now that they are fully through the skin he will start to sleep.

The eating has been weird, because he doesn’t typically like to eat from a spoon, but lately if it’s not on a spoon (if it’s in a bottle) he is just not interested. From 3pm yesterday to 9 am this morning he drank a total of 8 oz. And that’s because we made him. But when i tried to feed him cereal this morning he wolfed it down like his usual incredible eater-self.

Daily Intention & Thanks

Ala Kimberly Wilson my intention for the day is Tranquility. Based on my work calendar and the few emails I’ve opened in the 40 minutes I’ve been here, I know this is going to be a challenge. But, instead of getting all poopy and mad and crabby by 11am (my status quo these days) I intend to let it wash off of me. If I can’t control it, I can’t do anything about it, and I shouldn’t let it get me down. That’s where I’m at this morning.

Today, I am thankful for the black dress that I found on the clearance rack and Target, admired, and left there only to be haunted by it for the next 4 days. I went back and, crisis averted, it was still there in my size. I’m wearing it today and must say, I look amazing. And I feel amazing. The only sad thing is that I got dressed at the gym this morning so Chris hasn’t had the opportunity to see how awesome I look.
Here’s the dress (I’ve got black boots on with it):

Today I’m thankful for

  • Kids who don’t mind throwing up.
  • A job that lets me work from home so I don’t have to use up my vacation time because kids are sick
  • My computer
  • My roller
  • My husband
  • Exercise
We spent most of the night up with puking kids, so I didn’t set an intention for the day other than a mental one to just get through it. Turned out not so bad. Both kids seemed to be fine as the day went on, minor fevers but no more vomit, thankfully. They both took incredibly long afternoon naps which meant that Chris and I got to nap too. I taught a great class and did what I’ll call “Toddler Pilates” with Lily climbing all over me after I got home. All in all, not a bad day.

Today, I am thankful for breakfast

I am going to try (again) to start a practice of setting an intention for each day and giving thanks for a few things.

Today, my intention is peace. I need some calm in my head and I am the only one that can acccomplish that.

I am thankful for:

  • Cuddling with Lily this morning when I got home from the gym and it was too early for her to get up
  • The quiet in the house as I flat ironed my hair
  • The joy of jelly toast for a 2 year old
  • My husband, who graciously gets up in the middle of the night with our kids so that I can have the energy to get up really early and exercise.

Cross one off the list!

I have accomplished one of my January goals– printing 12 pictures to display, gallery style, in the house. I have yet to buy the matting or display medium, but the pictures are printed and on my desk which is very exciting. Also, I have written in some way, shape or form every day so far. I have spent quite a bit of time working on Pilates Lifestyle Proposal and am excited that it looks like I really will have it done this month (I thought that goal was a bit ambitious, but good to work towards.)

All of the pictures that I printed seemed to have a “journey” theme which was interesting, because until I had narrowed it down to about 20 I didn’t consciously acknowledge it. Once I noticed it I felt that it was rather appropriate for the start of the “journey” of 2010, so I went with it. I’ll post some of the photos later when I’m at my other computer. Now, though, back to work!
Have a fantastic day!