Month in Review- January

Are you on my email list? If not, you should be. So go sign up. Or, go to NoiseTrade and download one of my books and get on it that way. Either way. Sign up. Love me. (Also, I only send you one or two emails a month, and I don’t recycle blog posts, so it’s totally worth the tiny amount of your time and makes me feel warm and fuzzy. And like you love me.) Anyway, in my January newsletter I reviewed 2014 accomplishments and 2015 dreams. One thing I’m really making an effort to do (and, two months in, so far, so good!) is to revisit and review my dreams each month to make sure I’m still on track. So…here’s where I’m at:


Progress as of 1/31/15

Publish another book Book has gone through beta readers, is with one last reviewer, and I’m looking for final editor and cover designer.
“Do” two short stories a month (one drafted, one completed) 2 stories went through reading group, although, full disclosure, both were written earlier and I haven’t done any new shorts at all.
Publish at least four short stories see above
Draft two more novels I finished the first draft of Clouded and started (thinking about) the outline for another.
Read at least 96 books I read 8!
Complete 12 new paintings One done, one started, theme established.
Get Spiraling Forward Jewelry into 3-5 boutiques You can now buy Spiraling Forward at Doodle Bird!
Have/be in an art show No progress other than painting
15-20 gym visits/month 14 🙁
4+ yoga/Pilates classes/month 4! Plus I took Chris!
One vegetarian day/week Didn’t do it.
Speak at 2 conferences 1 Scheduled.
Continue to reduce clutter This goal is not written in a measurable way, but I’d say it’s going well.
1 artist date Sort of did but sort of didn’t.
Attend 2 book/writing events Went to 2, but one was already over.
1 real date with hubby More than 1!
1 art event Doubled w/ artist date

I also made some changes to the planner pages, if you want, you can grab a new set here.

How was your January? Are you still working on goals?

3 thoughts on “Month in Review- January

  1. amandamichellemoon Post author

    All articles are copyrighted unless they’re in the public domain (generally, 90 years after the author dies.) If they were created for a company as a work for hire, the company owns the copyright. Creating an ebook of others work, without their permission, is plagiarism.

  2. Pingback: March Goals Check-in | Amanda Michelle Moon

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