Exciting news in book world

Stealing the Ruby Slippers CoverThis week has been crazy busy. I started the week by doing a ton of research, settling on PayPal, and creating a presale for Stealing the Ruby Slippers. Then, I taught myself how to use Adobe InDesign (yes I’m bragging…thank you Google, I couldn’t have done it without you…) in order to do the layout for and create downloadable samples. Today, I made a cover. This means two very exciting things:

  1. You can download a free sample of the book now
  2. You can preorder the book

I have also contacted a bunch of blogs and websites about working with me to promote the book and have gotten fantastic feedback so far. It’s been incredibly encouraging!

This weekend, I plan on working on the layout of epub and mobi files for Your Pilates Life because a)I have a ton of homework and procrastination is the best way to get anything done, b) I really like using InDesign, c) I didn’t think I was ever going to get that book into other formats, so it’s just really exciting that it might actually happen. Yay!

I’ll also be doing said homework, and driving up to my grandparents’ house to spend Easter with a bunch (like fifty or so…seriously) relatives. It’s crazy insane and we all love it. If I’m lucky, they will be boiling sap (I know they’ve been collecting, just not sure if there is enough to boil yet) and I’ll get to take Chris and the kids to witness the process of making syrup. It is the best smell in the world.

What are you doing this weekend?

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