May 12

I’m doing it. It took me 10 minutes at my desk doing piddly other things (checking email, finding just the right music, etc.) but I am doing it. I’m doing a morning page for the first time in like 9 months. I want to look into the Julia Cameron book that they talked about on Hip Tranquil Chick this morning, I’ll see if the library has it.

We sold the bookcase yesterday to two really nice cops. Oddly, they weren’t cops that had ever been to the fire department by our house though, they were undercover and in the gang unit. Although it’s odd to me that they would tell me they work under cover. The guy’s name was Mike and in a lot of ways (speach, mannerisms) he reminded me a lot of Mike. It really kind of creeped me out.

I was only going to write for 10 min but I just ended up on the phone with Chris for 5 so I guess I have another 5 to go. He really frustrates me sometimes, he won’t articulate his thoughts in any understandable manner and just sounds upset all the time. This move has been really stressful for both of us, but I think he’s bearing the brunt of it because he ends up being the one to go home most often, he has a more flexible job. Plus, I was gone all last week, I have to be at work during certian hours, etc.

I’m really not feeling well today at all. I have a cough, I’m really tired, I just want to sleep. Maybe I should just go home and rest and then work from there for a while, I don’t know. I just really feel yucky. I thought I could ignore it, but it’s not working.

Speaking of working, I better get to it.

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